API integration to POS

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Status: Behandles / afstemning
GolfBox oprindelig liste GolfBox ProPlanner

Integration to POS (we must make API to POS Connector), for POS systems to integrate into Dette kræver yderligere analyse Hvad er der behov for at kunne tilbyde gennem API? Se desuden relaterede sager. Kommentar fra Nick Thornton (Mail af 13/2 2019) The rationale is as follows: 1. We own the products so customers are now expecting that the products we sell from our stable talk to each other; 2. Does the software integrate into a POS was one of the top three comments that we couldn't fulfil at the PGA Show; 3. We have had several potential driving range clients, notably Albert Park driving range in Melbourne, seek a POS integration before installing. This customer would take MPower POS, financials and ProPlanner if we could have the POS integration (c 25k opportunity); 4. The suggested integration would be as follows a. When a customer books online and pays online the payment is recognised in the POS; b. When a customer pays at the pro shop the staff member records the sale in ProPlanner then marks the payment type and this is passed through to POS. i. As part of this there can be a gift card sale which would then be passed through under that payment type. c. Attached are some screen shots from the product to show the booking page and payment screen in ProPlanner to demonstrate the transaction in ProPlanner. 5. Ideally this through Connect would be available in all regions but if we could start with Australia and MPower POS; 6. This something that other products do but allows us with a fit for purpose product to stay ahead of the pack;

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